Thursday, August 14, 2008

Reading Signs

In northern Wisconsin, where lakes stay frozen through April, businesses work hard to attract summer traffic, postings signs, big and small.

But the sign that grabbed me was a two-sided country churchyard one.

It made me smile.

Then, unexpectedly, its words encouraged a drive to another local church -– my faith.

That’s where I spied this sports car parked across two front-entry spaces, including one pastor-reserved.

Perhaps the parish had voted that it somehow improved parishioner pedestrian flow.

Without context, though, the parking job read like a not-so-good sign.


Laura said...

Interesting. My new work partner and I were putting up bulletin boards. One of us had to be up close stapling charts etc..., and the other far back to get it just right. And we got into a philosophical discussion about how an accurate reading of signs requires a certain distance.


Maybe the little old man could not see the lines.